Join us for Church!
Visiting a new church can be intimidating…we get it!
Our church is a simple, “what you see is what you get” kind of church. No matter if you are a local, second home owner, or just visiting, we are a church for you! We meet every Sunday at 9am. We are a congregation that encourages everyone to live as Jesus would have us live – to live a life of love!
You might have heard some negative press about Baptists. One thing you may not know is that each Baptist church is autonomous (independent) from every other Baptist church. That means that our tradition has a wide spectrum of beliefs and practices. Our running joke is that there are only five or six Baptists in our church. The reality is that our congregation is made up of people from many different denominations. We honor and respect our brothers and sisters from other traditions and we hope to create a welcoming space where everyone has a seat at the table.
In our worship services, we value eclectic music. We blend new songs with old. On any given Sunday, you’ll see a variety of instruments. And we welcome new musicians to join our team. Our pastor typically preaches through a book of the Bible focusing on practical ways to live like Jesus. Our focus is on loving God with everything we’ve got and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We try to keep things pretty simple.
You may be thinking…wait I gave up on organized religion a long time ago. Well…that’s ok too. We hope to create a space where you can Belong -> Become -> Believe. The first step is to find a space where you can belong – where you are accepted just as you are and without strings attached. Then after a while, you become more like Jesus…loving others a little bit deeper. Maybe you’ll join one of our service projects or take food to someone who has just gone through surgery. Then belief begins to bloom in your heart. We want to be a community of people who nurture that belief and give you the space to question and doubt.
Well, that said, come check us out. We promise we don’t bite! You can email our pastor anytime with any questions.
Frequently asked questions
what time is your service?
Year-round, our church service is at 9am each Sunday. During summer months, we meet in our outdoor amphitheater. Since we are outside, please remember to bring a light jacket, hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. When weather doesn't allow us to meet outside, we meet indoors in our sanctuary.
where is your church located?
Our church is located at 390 Fairway Drive in Tahoe City California. If our parking lot is full when you arrive, street side parking is available.
how are you following covid-19 guidelines?
Each Sunday we perform a thorough disinfecting of the church before and after the service. We ask that all of our guests wear face coverings. As you arrive, you will have your temperature taken and will be asked some non-invasive screening questions. Our chairs are separated by six feet of space. We ask that maintain social distance while at the service.
what should i expect when i arrive?
When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by volunteers who will take your temperature and ask a couple of non-invasive screening questions.
do you provide any children's services?
We encourage you to bring the whole family. Children are an important part of our church. We think it’s great if they sing and dance and make lots of noise during the service. We also provide a coloring sheet in the bulletin and make crayons available at the welcome table.
do you provide a livestream of the service?
If with all of these precautions, you still don’t feel comfortable coming in person but want to join us in worship, we will be live streaming the service at 10am on our church’s Facebook page.
do you have any alternative servie times?
Yes! We meet on Saturdays at 6pm and Sundays at 10am.
Visiting a new church can be intimidating...
we get it!
Are you tired of judgmental churches and negative stereotypes? Look no further! Our church is a refreshing breath of fresh air, embracing diversity and accepting everyone with open arms. Join us every Sunday at 9am for an uplifting and inclusive experience where we live out the teachings of Jesus - a life of love. Don't let misconceptions about Baptists deter you, because our church breaks the mold. We're not just another Baptist church, but a congregation of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and traditions. Come and be a part of our welcoming community where everyone is valued and respected.

We are excited to invite you to the relaunch of our Sunday evening church service, which we are now calling "Vespers". This service is inspired by the monastic tradition of thanking God for a good day in the evening.
Whether you've had a busy day at work or spent the day skiing, we invite you to come and thank God for the day! The service starts promptly at 6pm. You'll find us at 390 Fairway Drive in Tahoe City. The music will be fun and lively, and the message will be tailored to meet the needs of your life.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday night!
Frequently asked questions
What time is your service?
Year-round, our church service is at 9am and 6pm each Sunday. During summer months, we meet in our outdoor amphitheater. Since we are outside, please remember to bring a light jacket, hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. When weather doesn't allow us to meet outside, we meet indoors in our sanctuary.
Where is your church located?
Our church is located at 390 Fairway Drive in Tahoe City California. If our parking lot is full when you arrive, street side parking is available.
What should I wear?
We don't really care! Our church is more concerned with the content of one's character than their outward appearances. In other words...wear what you want. We're prett casual!
I'm not Baptist...will I be welcomed?
Ummm...yeah. Most of our members aren't Baptist. While Baptists have given us a lot - separation of church and state and thinking for yourself - we welcome everyone no matter where they come from.
So...communion, lord's supper, or eucharist seems to be a big deal to a lot of people. Can I participate?
No matter what you call it, this sacrament is a symbol of what Jesus has done for us in his death and resurrection on the cross. You are welcome to participate. You don't have to be a Baptist and you don't have to be a member of our church.
Do you provide any children's services?
Yes! Children are an important part of our church family. We encourage your children to participate during the music portion of our service. You'll often see kids dancing in the aisles! Afterward, our pastor has a special kid's time down front. They tell jokes and our pastor has a children's message. Then we release the children to go to Kid's Club (Sunday School). All nursery and Kid's Club workers are fully vaccinated. If instead your child would like to remain in the service, that's great too!
Do you provide a livestream of the service?
If you don't feel comfortable joining us in person, you can watch our pastor's sermon online. You can find us on our church's Facebook page or you can join our mailing list and we'll email it to you each week.